
The Meaning of Life

First, studying at hearing apt others, we have the behalf of learning from others' blunders and creature competent to avert them. We can take the avail of the experience and sagacity of our friends , family and always around us. They ambition help us to make correct decisions and lest solemn errors. What's more, the human who understand us well tin exhort us effectively for they know our strengths and weakness. At the same time , sometimes they are competent to discern locations more objectively than we are.

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In conclusion, I find advantages in both ways of learning. Although I choose to learn by listening to the advice of others, namely does not mean I will forgo learning through my own experiences. It does mean, whatsoever, that I will reach new experiences with the added benefit of my family and friends' good advice. I ambition to say, life belongs to you, you ought along to your own lust to live!

Second, learning through act ,we have the advantage of acquiring meaningful experience,World Cup 2011 A Preview of Team Australia, we will not mistrust that remember the lessons we learn while we enjoy the awards alternatively suffer the consequences. Moreover, we can often amplify additional skills through personal experience and can learn from our mistakes.You know, no two people are accurate similarly. Therefore, what family and friends calculate may be suitable as them, but not suitable as us.

Life is colorful. As we grow, we learn numerous things almost life. Some of these lessons are cozy, and some are laborious. What is the best direction to learn them? Some people trust that they can learn best by listening to the advice of others, meantime some deem that it is better to learn through personal experience . And both methods have their own advantages. Specific consist in ...:

The last but not fewest, given a alternative among these two ways of learning about life, I would still prefer the sometime , learning through the advice of others. Because I believe I should take advantage of all the resources available, and the experience of all my friends and family. A famous adage says, "Rivers are able to approach the destination, because it knows how to avoid obstacles."

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